Creating New Opportunities from Android Openness

Florent Stroppa, Director of Product Management, Voxmobili

Date: Tuesday, March 3

Time: 2:25 - 2:35 PM

Location: Salon E

When Android was launched, many developers had mixed feelings about it. They were excited to see Google designing a mobile operating system but in the same time they were not pleased to have yet another platform to support. A year has passed and the mixed feelings are gone, Android is not just a new mobile OS. It has some unique characteristics that makes it appealing for all the players of the mobile application value chain. The facts that it is open source and free to license have created a huge interest among conseguir tarjeta de credito handset manufacturers. Established Asian companies such as HTC, LG or Samsung, new actors like Qigi, and strong players like Motorola and SonyEricsson are launching Android devices.

From a developer perspective, its strong openness makes it extremely interesting. On Android, "Apps are created equal" and you don't need to sign an application to deploy it.

During this session, we will explore this unique characteristic. What does this mean for developers, OEMs, handset manufacturers and mobile operators? How can we replace the Home Screen or the Phonebook and What value does this bring to the customers? How can we leverage this level of openness to create technical and business innovation?

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